The reward of a good joke : Neural correlates of viewing dynamic displays of stand-up comedy. Effect of humor on state anxiety and math performance. Haviland (Eds.), Handbook of emotions (pp. Neurobiology of the structure of personality : Dopamine, facilitation of incentive motivation, and extraversion. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 31(4), 291-301.

The role of age on reactivity and memory for emotional pictures. Towards a neural circuit model of verbal humor processing : An fMRI study of the neural substrates of incongruity detection and resolution. Segregating the comprehension and elaboration processing of verbal jokes : An fMRI study. Laugh yourself to sleep : Memory consolidation for humorous information. The impact of humor on memory : Is the humor effect about humor? Psychology Faculty Publications, 21. A novel demonstration of enhanced memory associated with emotional arousal. En Vingt-quatrième leçon, Tics et spasms cloniques de la face (p. Remembering pictures : Pleasure and arousal in memory. Humor in the classroom : The effects of integrated humor on student learning. Divergent routing of positive and negative information from the amygdala during memory retrieval.

Why clowns taste funny : The relationship between humor and semantic ambiguity. Humor comprehension and appreciation : An fMRI study. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 8(1), 10-14.īartolo, A., Benuzzi, F., Nocetti, L., Baraldi, P. The structure of current affect : Controversies and emerging consensus. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 21(3), 16-25.īarrett, L. Humors effect on short-term memory in healthy and diabetic older adults. S., Lohman, E., Daher, N., Petrofsky, J., Schwab, E. Advances in Mind-Body Medicine, 28(2), 16-24.īains, G. The effect of humor on short-term memory in older adults : A new component for whole-person wellness. S., Daher, N., Lohman, E., Schwab, E., Petrofsky, J. P., Gordon, B., Uematsu, S., Hart, J., Schwerdt, P., Andreasson, K. Dissociated neural representations of intensity and valence in human olfaction. K., Christoff, K., Stappen, I., Panitz, D., Ghahremani, D. En términos más generales, su experiencia le permite abordar retos muy interesantes y motivadores, como repensar los métodos de aprendizaje en situaciones de la vida real, o potenciar las experiencias sensoriales cotidianas para que sean más emotivas y memorables.Īnderson, A. Su trabajo ha dado lugar a importantes descubrimientos sobre el funcionamiento del hipocampo y las cortezas sensoriales en el fenómeno Proust, es decir, la capacidad de los olores de traer a la memoria recuerdos muy vívidos y emotivos, llevándonos repentinamente a un tiempo y lugar concretos. Tiene un perfil multidisciplinario, que combina conocimientos de vanguardia en ciencias cognitivas en materia de olfato, emoción y memoria, imágenes cerebrales y métodos analíticos basados en la neurociencia computacional y la inteligencia artificial. Trabaja en el Laboratorio de Neurociencia Computacional y Cognitiva (Universidad de Montreal) dirigido por el profesor Karim Jerbi. Anne-Lise SAIVE es becaria postdoctoral de FRQNT e IVADO, afiliada al MILA - Instituto de Inteligencia Artificial de Quebec.